
Showing posts from 2019
NEW YOUTUBE PREMIUM HQ METHOD WITH BIN (WORKING 100%) Get Free Vpn (ANY) Important! This Method Work Only For India Now Go To Google Pay Official Site Then You See Add Payment Method And You Need To Add A Card Go to This Card Generator Paste This Bin  5538902108xxxxxx into And Click Generate After Go To Google Pay Again And Enter The Card Details [ MONTH/ YEAR / CVV ] You Can Add Your Own Name, After You Have Get Some Fake Address And Name Details Use This Site And Get Some Indian Address And Name Details You Have Get Some Details Like This Street City State Zip Code After Go To YouTube Premium Membership Page And Select 3 Months Free Trial Then You Need To Add This Details.
UNLIMITED UBER.COM GIFTCARDS METHOD The method is very similar. Instead of using cracked accounts, you will use your own, your friends, or family member’s account to do the method. After the gift card code has been applied to another account, the owner of the original account will call Uber and complain. Uber will refund the money but will also not take it out of the account the gift card went to. Obviously, the problem with this method is how many accounts you have access to. You got your own, maybe 3-4 friends, and maybe some family. This method is suggested for people who do not plan on selling gift cards. I don’t think you can do this method more than once on the same account. I also suggest using the gift cards on fresh accounts. Don’t let Uber track down a pattern if they investigate. If you called and complained about your account being hacked, and somehow that same account has $500 worth of gift card credits that were purchased through that hack, that’s risky. Use common s...
364 X SPOTIFY PREMIUM ACCOUNTS | STUDENTS | PREMIUM | FAMILY! - Country: US - Country: US - Country: DE - Country: FR - Country: NO - Country: DE - Country: US - Country: FI - Country: NL - Country: US - Country: US - Country: CA - Country: DE - Country: US! - Country: GB - Country: FR - Country: DK - Country: US - Country: GB kjja...
 Crack VPS & RDP Method 2019 This guide will teach you how to crack VPS/RDP’s (Remote Desktop Connection). I’ll use RDPSIF and DUBrute and some websites to get the work done. TOOLS YOU NEED: ✔️KPORT SCANNER : LINK :  [Password : 123456] ✔️DUBrute  : LINK : [Password : 123456] ✔️IP adress list : (LINK : STEPS:- 1] Download DUBrute & KPORT SCANNER from above links and install them 2] Go here ? And copy all ip address & paste in kport scanner. After clicking start button don't change anything 3] AFTER u find some ips in  count of goods..good ips automaticaly saved in results section.. 4] Now open DUBrute ⭕️ Click on “Generation”.Then another window will open. ⭕️ Now this step is pretty self explanator...
FREE DISCORD NITRO QUICK AND EASY [ PAYPAL ] 1. Make sure you have at least the amount of money of the nitro you want ( IN PAYPAL) 2. Make a new discord account 3. Go to the Discord store and buy the nitro you want as a gift. 4. Get the gift link and copy it and redeem it to your main 5. When your nitro is going to expire soon charge back on them using paypal. 6. This will take your nitro away but not ban u but possibly ban the ALT you made. 7. Repeat and get free nitro!
PAYPAL STEALTH ACCOUNT TRICK – UNLIMITED PAYPAL VERIFIED ACCOUNTS In this guide I will tell you how to get a new IP, Phone number, address, VCC and documents. I will also tell you how to not get limited. How to create a stealth PayPal Account You will need a new IP address, The best thing is a VPN (VPS or proxies are easy to detect by PayPal or eBay so try avoid using those). Head to IPBURGERand purchase a Fresh Dedicated VPN. You will want a private IP/VPN that is not shared or been used before by anyone because that IP may have already been used by other people for PayPal and you may get linked to that account and get limited.2.You will need a new address, you can get a generated one 3. Now you will need a new phone number, For this I recommend using a Mobile app called TextMe. You can keep a number for 1 Month for £4.59 and you can choose a phone number that matches your country and state that you got from the fake name generator. 4. N...
EARN $1500 PER MONTH WITH $15 INVESTMENT[FULL AUTOPILOT] You go to  and buy an account - you can add 3 accounts to the bot from instagram After purchasing the account at , you configure the massloking module and add hashtags - #love # instagood #photooftheday #fashion #beautiful #happy #cut #tbt Payments can be made using paypal and you get instant bot access Massloking consists in mass displaying instastory from a hashtag and more, it can display up to 800,000 stories per day Per month, it can display up to 15,000,000 stories per account, he can connect up to 3 accounts, which will give us 45,000,000 stories per month is an instagram (I recommend investing in an annual Premium package because you can add up to unlimited accounts to the bot and save 300 $ by buying the package in advance. Personally) You are registering an account on the site and you start selling accounts or follow...
INFINITE AMAZON MONEY [2019LEAK] let's get into it   What you are going to need:  1. eBay Account. 2. PayPal with around $2-$3 3. Random Name Generator Details  Note: the reason you do not need an Amazon account prior to the method is because one will be created whilst carrying out the method.  Head on over to the next page and let’s get into the preparation, and essential steps!  Time to make some bank! Note: You can do this step 3 times at once to earn the most money.  Step 1. Head on over to, and make your way to the ‘trade-in’s’ page. Link:   Step 2.  On the Search Box below, select the Category as Electronics, and on the box next to it, type any electronics name, for e.g: Apple iPad.  Step 3.  Once you’re on the electronics page, try and find an item between $300 and $400, $350 being the golden amount. Once you have found your item click on the 'Trade In' button. ...
HOW TO MAKE MONEY ON CRACKING ok so I'm guessing a lot of you want to make a decent amount of money but don't know how to?   Well from what I know cracking anything with balances/giftcard related stuff can be very profitable.   Examples: Walmart Staples Ulta etc..   To start off with, if you have no money I suggest cracking stuff that can make you a decent income, maybe even make a selly shop. You can use free configs. But I suggest you buy a combolist otherwise you won't get that many hits and the hits will be cracked by other people- so the accounts won't last long.   Here are some easy things that you can crack when you first start off to make money: Gaming Sites Shopping Sites Streaming Sites Vpn Sites etc...   If you want to crack this stuff I suggest you buy private configs. You can also get custom configs made for your own personal liking.    Another good way of making money is learning how to make configs, if you are a good config maker yo...
Netflix Working Checker
 HOW TO GET GIFT CARDS FOR ANYTHING (private) 1. Find a seller on ebay/kijiji/craigslist (Local works better) that is selling a $25+ amazon gift card.   2. Message said seller asking to see three and only three consecutive numbers so you can email amazon and make sure the card is legit, and not a spoof card   3. Once the seller has sent you pictures of the card, take note of the 3 consec. numbers   4. Email/Live Chat (Live chat for better and faster results) Amazon and tell them this,    "My aunt jamie told me she has got an amazon card for her birthday but after taking it out of her bag she found it the code at the back all scratched up and un readable so she gave it to me    as it is no use for her. What can we do about this?"   5. The amazon rep will inform you they can add the card balance to your account they just need the 3 nums, hand them the numbers   6. Wait however long the Amazon rep as...
HOW TO CRACK NETFLIX PREMIUM ACCOUNTS [EASY] FOR BEGINNERS Requirements: _Sentry MBA _Netflix Config _Proxies _Combos Method: Getting Started click "settings" on the left, then "general" click "load settings from snapshot" click "lists" on the left, then "proxylist" click the open button on the right to select a proxy list to use click "wordlist" on the left make sure "mode" is set to "combo list" click the open button to select a combo list optionally, you could use the open buttons next to usernames & passwords to open their respective usernames wordlist and passwords wordlists. click "progression" on the left, then "progression" (underneath) click the "reload list" (green refresh button) on the top right to reload your combolist (to ensure you're using the correct combolist, and not an old one) slide the "bots" slider to an appropriate number of workers...